Used to enter spesific text input form
Textfields allow user input. The border should light up simply and clearly indicating which field the user is currently editing.
Here’s the default usage of Textfield with placeholder and label attribute set.
Xml Code
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleFieldandroid:id="@+id/etEmail"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Email"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username" />
Add TextChange Listener
with(binding) {etEmail.doOnTextChanged { text, start, before, count ->//Do your action here}}
Xml Code
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleFieldandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Sample End Icon"app:endIconDrawable="@drawable/ic_clock"app:isOptional="true"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username" />
Prefix & Suffix
Xml Code
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleFieldandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Biaya"app:helperText="Masukan Email dan Username anda!"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username"app:prefixText="Rp" />
Xml Code
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleFieldandroid:id="@+id/etEmail"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Email"android:enable="false"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username" />
Xml Code
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleFieldandroid:id="@+id/etEmail"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Email"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username" />
Kotlin Code
...with(binding) {etEmail.error = "Email sudah digunakan!"}...
Xml Code
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleFieldandroid:id="@+id/etEmail"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Email"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username" />
Kotlin Code
...with(binding) {etEmail.succcess = "Email bisa digunakan!"}...
Password Field
Here’s the password usage of Textfield with placeholder and label attribute set.
Static in xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnPasswordFieldandroid:id="@+id/etPassword"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Kata Sandi"app:placeholderText="Email atau Username" />
Dynamic using Kotlin*
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnPasswordField(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
Date Field
Here’s the date picker usage of Textfield with placeholder and label attribute set.
Static in xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnCalendarFieldandroid:id="@+id/etCalendar"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Tanggal Lahir"app:dateFormat="FULL_DATE"app:helperText="Pilih tanggal lahir anda!"app:placeholderText="Tanggal Lahir" />
Dynamic using Kotlin*
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnCalendarField(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
Time Field
Here’s the time picker usage of Textfield with placeholder and label attribute set.
Static in xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnTimeFieldandroid:id="@+id/etTime"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Waktu"app:placeholderText="Waktu Budidaya" />
Dynamic using Kotlin*
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnTimeField(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
Dropdown Field
Here’s the dropdown usage of Textfield with placeholder and label attribute set.
Static in xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnDropdownFieldandroid:id="@+id/etDropDown"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Kategori"app:helperText="Kategori Panen!"app:isOptional="true"app:placeholderText="Masukan Kategori Panen" />
Dynamic using Kotlin*
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnDropdownField(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
Unit Field
Here’s the set of number field and dropdown field.
Static in xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.textfield.LgnSingleUnitFieldandroid:id="@+id/etUnit"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Luas Area"android:inputType="number"app:placeholderText="Masukkan luas area" />
Dynamic using Kotlin*
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnSingleUnitField(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
Component Name | Id | Description |
TextView | tvHint | To display label on text area |
TextInputLayout | etBase | To display text field on text area |
TextView | tvHelper | To display helper text on text area |
TextView | tvError | To display error text on text area |
Attribute Name | Xml Attrs | Related method(s) | Description |
Text | android:text | text | To set Text value directly via xml |
Hint | android:hint | text | To set Hint or Label value directly via xml |
Enable Status | android:enabled | isEnable | To set enable or disable text area directly via xml |
Required Status | app:isRequired | isRequired | To set required status on text area directly via xml |
Optional Status | app:isOptional | isOptional | To set optional status on text area directly via xml |
Placeholder text | app:placeholderText | placeHolder | To set placeholder text directly via xml |
Helper text | app:helperText | helper | To set helper text directly via xml |
Suffix Text ¹ | app:suffixText | suffixText | To set suffix text on text field directly via xml |
Prefix Text ¹ | app:prefixText | prefixText | To set prefix text on text field directly via xml |
Input Type ¹ | android:inputType | inputType | To set input type on text field directly via xml |
Start Icon Drawable ¹ | app:startIconDrawable | startIconDrawable | To set icon on front text field directly via xml |
End Icon Drawable ¹ | app:endIconDrawable | endIconDrawable | To set icon on behind text field directly via xml |
Prefix End Icon Drawable ¹ | app:prefixEndIconDrawable | prefixEndIconDrawable | To set icon on behind text prefix on text field directly via xml |
Prefix Start Icon Drawable ¹ | app:prefixStartIconDrawable | prefixStartIconDrawable | To set icon on front text prefix on text field directly via xml |
Suffix End Icon Drawable ¹ | app:suffixEndIconDrawable | suffixEndIconDrawable | To set icon on behind text suffix on text field directly via xml |
Suffix Start Icon Drawable ¹ | app:suffixStartIconDrawable | suffixStartIconDrawable | To set icon on front text suffix on text field directly via xml |
Max Lines ¹ | android:maxLines | maxLines | To set maximum lines on text field directly via xml |
Max Length ¹ | android:maxLength | maxLength | To set max length on text field directly via xml |
Ellipsize Placement ¹ | android:ellipsize | ellipsize | To set where Ellipsize on text field directly via xml |
Locked Field ¹ | N/A | isLocked | To set locked field on LgnSingleField |
Date Format ² | app:dateFormat | dateFormat | To set date format text directly via xml |
Time Format ³ | app:timeFormat | timeFormat | To set time format text directly via xml |
Override Dropdown Behaviour ⁴ ⁵ | app:overrideDropdown | overrideDropdown | To override default behaviour of dropdown |
Get Edit Text Instance | N/A | editText | To get edit text instance from component |
Add Values ⁴ ⁵ | N/A | addAll(List<String>) | To set list of string to dropdown on component |
Add Click Listener ⁴ ⁵ | N/A | setOnClickListener | To set click listener on dropdown if you want override default behaviour |
Add Dropdown Listener ⁴ | N/A | setListener | To set listener on dropdown when value changed |
Add Unit Listener ⁵ | N/A | setOnUnitListener | To set listener on dropdown on unit field when value changed |
Get Selected Unit Value ⁵ | N/A | unit | To get selected unit on unit field |
Get Edit Text on Dropdown Field Instance ⁵ | N/A | dropDown | To get edittext on dropdown field instance on unit field |
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