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Snackbar displays informative text



Snackbars notify users of processes that have been or will be performed by the app. They appear temporarily, towards the bottom of the screen. They must not interfere with the user experience, and they do not require user input to disappear. Snackbars are often used as tooltips/popups to show a message at the bottom of the screen.

Use Legion snackbar styles to modify snackbar with lots of attributes that make you easier.

3 Apparances of Snackbar :

  • Left content : Trailing avatar, Trailing icon, or no left content
  • Title : Title only, or title with description (subtitle)
  • Right content : Text button or icon button. Text and icon are customizable

Customize the colors, in order to adapt with your app color token Text Color & Background Color


There are only two steps you need to do in order to implement it on your app :

  1. Write your View extension
  2. Implement on your NavigationView

Step 1

: Write your View extension

Apps usually have a few snackbar cases. For example, informational, snackbar, snackbar, or success snackbar. User can a number of this functions inside your View extension, or your specific screen.

extension View {
func informationSnackbar(isShowing: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
title: "Message is shown"
// your additional action to trigger when user tap on the trailing button icon

Step 2

: Implement on your NavigationView Now implement it on your screen by calling the function you create on step 1 and could wrap your screen with NavigationView

@State var isSnackbarShown: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Button("Show snackbar") {
}.informationSnackbar(isShowing: isSnackbarShown)

With this, snackbar will show up when you tap on the “Show snackbar” button.


This code sample demonstrates how to modify the variant of the snackbar :
isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
title: "Message is shown"


Legion Have 4 Attributes for Costumize Snackbar


This description attribute for user to add the description of the snackbar. Use this function to add description or subtitle: "Snackbar message.."

This code sample demonstrates how to modify the description of the snackbar :
isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
title: "Title",
subtitle: "Snackbar message..",


This avatar attribute for user to add the avatar of the snackbar

This code sample demonstrates how to modify the avatar of the snackbar :
isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
title: "Title",
leadingAvatarUrl: "",


This icon attribute for user to add the icon of the snackbar

This code sample demonstrates how to modify the icon of the snackbar :
isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
title: "Title",
leadingIcon: Image(systemName: "")

Button Text

This button attribute for user to replace “X” button to button text of the snackbar

This code sample demonstrates how to modify the button text of the snackbar :
isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
title: "Title",
trailingButtonText: "Button"



PropertiesDescriptionDefault Value
isShowingthe binding that decides the appropriate drawing in the body.
parentparent view to which this snackbar shall be attached
positionplace on the screen where the snackbarr should appear. .top, .center, or .bottom.bottom
titlethe main text you want to display on snackbar
titleFontFamilyfontFamily of your title""
titleColortext color of your titleColor.LGNTheme.tertiary900
subtitlethe describtion or subtitle text you want to display on snackbar""
subtitleFontFamilyfontFamily of your subtitle""
subtitleColortext color of your subtitleColor.LGNTheme.tertiary600
backgroundColoryour snackbar background color.white
leadingIconthe icon you want to display on the left hand side of your snackbar textnil
leadingIconTintyour leadingIcon color
leadingAvatarUrlwhen you want to display avatar instead of icon on the left, fill this with image url""
trailingButtonTexttext string to display on the action button of your snackbar’s right hand side""
trailingButtonTextTintyour trailingButtonText tint colorColor.LGNTheme.primary500
trailingButtonIconwhen you have no text to display as a trailing button, this icon image will be used insteadImage(systemName: "xmark")
trailingButtonIconTintyour trailingButtonIcon tint
trailingButtonActionadditional action to trigger when user taps on the trailing action button{ }

Example Project

isShowing: isShowing,
parent: { self },
position: .bottom,
title: "Title",
titleFontFamily: "Montserrat-Bold",
titleColor: Color.LGNTheme.tertiary900,
subtitle: "Snackbar message..",
subtitleFontFamily: "Montserrat-Ultralight",

Important Notes

  • Left content can only display either avatar or icon. If you put on both values, only avatar will be displayed
  • Right content can only display one button i.e. text button, or icon button. If you put on both, only text button will appear
  • If you do not specify right content, it will always display right icon button with the default xmark icon.