Chips allow users to enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions.
Chips allow users to enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions.
While buttons are expected to appear consistently and with familiar calls to action, chips should appear dynamically as a group of multiple interactive elements.
Use this tag LgnPrimary{Size}ChipContainer
to implement Legion Chips.
Legion have two size variants of chips.
1. Small Variants
The following is usage to implement Small Size variants
Static in Xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.chips.small.LgnPrimarySmallChipContainerandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Stacked Chip Filter Type"app:chipType="FILTER_TYPE" />
Dynamic using Kotlin
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnPrimarySmallChipContainer(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
2. Large variants
The following is usage to implement Large Size variants
Static in Xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.chips.large.LgnPrimaryLargeChipContainerandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Stacked Chip Filter Type"app:chipType="FILTER_TYPE" />
Dynamic using Kotlin
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnPrimaryLargeChipContainer(requiredContext()).apply {//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
Legion have two style variants of chips.
1. Default Type
To implement Default style , you can customize from the properties. app:chipType="DEFAULT_TYPE"
Static in Xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.chips.small.LgnPrimarySmallChipContainerandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Stacked Chip Filter Type"app:chipType="DEFAULT_TYPE" />
Dynamic using Kotlin
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnPrimarySmallChipContainer(requiredContext()).apply {chipType = ChipsType.DEFAULT_TYPE//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
2. Filter Type
To implement Filter style , you can customize from the properties. app:chipType="FILTER_TYPE"
Static in Xml
<com.telkom.legion.component.chips.small.LgnPrimarySmallChipContainerandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:hint="Stacked Chip Filter Type"app:chipType="FILTER_TYPE" />
Dynamic using Kotlin
...with(binding) {containerBase.addView( //ViewGroup for Dynamic LayoutLgnPrimarySmallChipContainer(requiredContext()).apply {chipType = ChipsType.FILTER_TYPE//Your View's customization here},LinearLayout.LayoutParams( //For example we use viewgroup LinearLayoutLinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
Attribute Name | Xml Attrs | Related method(s) | Description |
Text | N/A | text | To get or set selection value on Filter Type directly |
Hint | android:hint | hint | To set label value directly via xml |
Enable Status [WIP] | N/A | N/A | To set enable or disable chips directly via xml |
Required Status | app:isRequired | isRequired | To set required status on text area directly via xml |
Optional Status | app:isOptional | isOptional | To set optional status on text area directly via xml |
Helper text | app:helperText | helper | To set helper text directly via xml |
Chip Type | app:chipType | chipType | To set chip type directly via xml |
Single Line | app:isSingleLine | isSingleLine | To set chips single line directly via xml |
Show Close Icon | app:closeIconVisible | closeIconVisible | To set show close icon on chips directly via xml |
Single Selection [BETA] | app:isSingleSelection | isSingleSelection | To set chips single selection directly via xml |
Background Color [BETA] | app:chipBackgroundColor | chipBackgroundColor | To set chips background color directly via xml |
Stroke Color [BETA] | app:chipStrokeColor | chipStrokeColor | To set chips stroke color directly via xml |
Text Color [BETA] | android:textColor | textColors | To set chips text color directly via xml |
Add Chips | N/A | addAll(List<String>) | To add chips programaticaly |
Add Listener | N/A | setListener { text -> } | To add listener on chips programaticaly |
Add Close Listener | N/A | setOnCloseIconClickListener { text -> } | To add close listener on chips programaticaly |
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Please let us know to make it better