Anchor Text
Actionable text link for users to navigate
Anchor text is text that can be clicked and hyperlinked with other sites or pages. The use of anchor text is very important in the world of content marketing because it can increase index and ranking on search engines.
Use Legion Anchor text styles to modify Anchor text with lots of attributes that make you easier.
import LegionUI
with the following appearances:

Use this Function : LGNAnchorText
This code sample demonstrates how to modify the variant of Anchor text :
A. Label
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label")
B. Icon
LGNAnchorText(centerImage: Image(systemName: "plus"))
C. Icon Left + Label
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",leftImage: Image(systemName: "plus"))
D. Label + Icon Right
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",rightImage: Image(systemName: "plus"))
E. Icon Left + Label + Icon Right
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",leftImage: Image(systemName: "plus"),rightImage: Image(systemName: "chevron.down"))
Legion Have 1 Attribute for Customize Anchor text :
This size attribute for user to costumize size on the Anchor text

Use this Function : LGNAnchorText
This code sample demonstrates how to modify the size of Achor text :
A. Label
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label").variant(size: .small)
B. Icon
LGNAnchorText(centerImage: Image(systemName: "plus")).variant(size: .small)
C. Icon Left + Label
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",leftImage: Image(systemName: "plus")).variant(size: .small)
D. Label + Icon Right
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",rightImage: Image(systemName: "plus")).variant(size: .small)
E. Icon Left + Label + Icon Right
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",leftImage: Image(systemName: "plus"),rightImage: Image(systemName: "chevron.down")).variant(size: .small)

Use this Function : LGNAnchorText
This code sample demonstrates how to modify the size of Achor text :
A. Label
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label").variant(size: .normal)
B. Icon
LGNAnchorText(centerImage: Image(systemName: "plus")).variant(size: .normal)
C. Icon Left + Label
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",leftImage: Image(systemName: "plus")).variant(size: .normal)
D. Label + Icon Right
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",rightImage: Image(systemName: "plus")).variant(size: .normal)
E. Icon Left + Label + Icon Right
LGNAnchorText(title: "Label",leftImage: Image(systemName: "plus"),rightImage: Image(systemName: "chevron.down")).variant(size: .normal)
With Title
Properties | Description | Default Value |
title | the main text string you want to display on anchor text | not have |
fontFamily | fontFamily of your title | "" |
leftImage | the Image() you want to display on the left side of your title text | nil |
rightImage | the Image() you want to display on the right side of your title text | nil |
tintColor | color tint for your anchor text: title, left image, and right image | Color.LGNTheme.primary500 |
action | The action to perform when the user pressed the anchor text. | {} |
With centerImage (Without Title)
Properties | Description | Default Value |
centerImage | the only Image() you want to display on the center side of the anchor text | not have |
tintColor | color tint for your center image | Color.LGNTheme.primary500 |
action | The action to perform when the user pressed the anchor text. | {} |
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